Monday – Sunday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm


Serving Los Angeles Area and all of California

Kunya Desjar: Telehealth Services | Holistic Health Practitioner
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Kunya Desjardins

Kunya Desjardins

Therapist Profile

Kunya Desjardins: Holistic Women’s Health, Anxiety & Depression, Body Image Counseling, Eating Disorder Counseling

Do you seek a more peaceful relationship with your body and food? Would you like to let go of concerns or insecurities about your weight or body image? Do you find yourself holding back on life?

Kunya Desjardins, Ph.D. is a licensed Clinical Psychologist whose specialty in women’s holistic health aids in developing the insight, skills, and the tools needed to help women achieve their goals and objectives. Kunya believes all aspects of our lives, from sleep and nutrition, work or school, relationships, and family history, as well as past traumas and vulnerabilities, are integrally related.

Many women, across the lifespan, wrestle with eating disorders, body image, and self-confidence. Stress, all-or-nothing thinking, perfectionism, and shame, among other mental health issues, can get in the way of living more fully. We live in a world where many women don’t feel they are “enough” despite their outward appearance of happiness or “success.” Kunya helps women understand the underlying causes and mechanisms that drive this frustrating eating disorder. She works collaboratively with clients to develop achievable eating disorder treatment goals.

Working with women and adolescents, Kunya has helped many women and girls transition through important life stages. These life stage transitions can present challenges as well as opportunities. From developing an identity and career, to shaping relationships, marriage, motherhood, and menopause, these challenges and opportunities are invaluable. Using a holistic approach, Kunya taps into optimal health using the whole body, including the mind, emotions and spirit.

Putting aside old beliefs and habits that no longer serve you can be difficult and make you feel vulnerable. Kunya Desjardins provides a safe, therapeutic space that is just for you, so you can safely explore the ways you want to grow. Let Kunya help you feel empowered.

Kunya is offering telehealth services at this time. Phone or video formats available. Please give us a call today.

Office Location:
Telehealth Only

Contact Kunya Desjardins

CA Lic. #30537


Phone: 323-405-4460 x 804


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