Monday – Sunday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm


Serving Los Angeles Area and all of California

Women's Mental Health Counseling | Find Your Voice
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Women’s Mental Health Counseling

Pacific Psychotherapy Associates / Women’s Mental Health Counseling

Women’s Mental Health Counseling

Women’s mental health counseling is unique and important in today’s world.  Women need a safe, non-judgmental space to process feelings, relationships, and issues related to their self-identity.  As women, we face a number of significant issues related to our professional lives, intimate relationships, our ever-changing bodies, societal pressures and expectations and often times being a mother.  Women often take on an incredible load of work-family, friends, care-taking, managing the home and balancing a career.  Much of the workload feels “invisible.”  Because so many depend on us, we become immune to all the “hat-wearing” we do each day.  We forget we need time for ourselves.  At Pacific Psychotherapy, we work to help women find ease and comfort with who they truly are, by working to help each woman find her voice and confidence in her own body.

Today, women often feel the mounting pressure to be perfect in whatever they set out to do.  Women face increasingly complicated issues not just in mental health, but with emotional and physical ailments.  We like to address all areas specific to women, including marriage and relationship counseling, reproductive health, motherhood and parenting skills, and more.  As young girls, we are often taught to sweep many unpleasant situations under the rug, and not reveal our pain or trauma.  Although a temporary remedy, repressing pain and suffering only leads to further difficulties such as conflicted

relationships, physical symptoms, depression, and more.  Perhaps you are quietly suffering, turning your pain onto yourself through issues related to food, alcohol, pills or toxic relationships.  Maybe you feel depressed, anxious – or the vicious cycle of never feeling enough.

Women’s mental health statistics in the United States show that more than 1 in 5 women suffers from some form of mental health condition affecting women differently than men.  For women by women, we love creating a space just for you, so you can find your true self and shine.

At Pacific Psychotherapy Associates, we provide women’s mental health counseling in a secure space.  You can feel safe removing all the many “hats” you wear in life and take a moment to just be with yourself.  In this safe, non-judgmental space, we can take the time to explore all the many issues you might be facing such as depression and anxiety.  With our interactive approach to talk therapy, we seek to help you feel safe to discuss and process issues related to body image, self-confidence, self-esteem, anger, disappointment, and feeling alone.  Taking the first step towards counseling takes courage – and we are here to help.  We can work together to discover patterns, bring awareness to your habits and give you the tools to make lasting change.