Monday – Sunday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm


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Christopher Tromba: Telehealth Services | Client-Centered Therapy
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Christopher Tromba

Pacific Psychotherapy Associates / Christopher Tromba

Christopher Tromba

Therapist Profile

Christopher Tromba: Mental Health Therapy in Depression and Anxiety , Bipolar Disorder, Adolescent Issues, Traumatic Events and PTSD, Relational and Stages of Life Issues

CHRISTOPHER TROMBA, LMFT, is a licensed mental health counselor who traditionally uses a client-centered therapy style in which the client takes an active role in his/her effective treatment. He refrains from the client’s explanation but encourages him/her to take an active role in the treatment.

Christopher’s Client-Centered Therapy approach fosters a casual talking style, effectively producing a warm atmosphere of trust. Clients feel at ease to discuss their confidential experiences that can otherwise be hard to talk about. With his unique listening and response skills, forging a partnership with his clients is his prime objective. Chris’ person-centered approach helps his clients find an enjoyable and fulfilling way of life.

As a practicing psychotherapist, his considerable expertise extends to marked depression and anxiety, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and bipolar issues. He frequently works with individuals who experienced childhood trauma that includes sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. People who experience childhood trauma fight the feelings of guilt and shame which can manifest through their adult life. These impactful feelings resonate through their relationships, affect self-esteem, and break down mental and emotional wellness. Christopher’s experience and understanding of mental health issues help clients find a healing process.

Practicing kindness, Chris was inspired to help people from an early age through his own childhood experiences. Participating in his own personal therapy spiked an interest in psychology. That was over a decade ago. His dedication to the profession of psychology, his natural empathy, and the knowledge gained exemplify when working with him.

Christopher Tromba identifies strongly with teenagers and young people. Cultivating supportive and trusting relationships, he aids young people in developing a sense of purpose in life. With gentle listening skills and kind words, Christopher Tromba offers options so that an effective resolution is reached and achievable healing goals are met.

As a licensed marriage therapist, Christopher genuinely enjoys working with individual clients, and couples learn new ways of communicating efficiently. He helps clients work through breakups, love addiction, conflict resolution and assists clients who seek pre-marital counseling.

Get the help you need. Get in touch with Christopher Tromba and start working on attaining good mental health for you or a loved one.

Christopher is offering telehealth services at this time. Phone or video formats available. Please give us a call today.

Office Location:
6525 Sunset Blvd. #306
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Contact Christopher Tromba


Phone: 323-405-4460 x 803


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