Monday – Sunday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm


Serving Los Angeles Area and all of California

Randy Smith: Telehealth Services | Mental Health Counselor
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Randy Smith

Randy Smith

Therapist Profile

Randy Smith | Mental Health Therapy Near Me: Get Support Now

RANDY SMITH, LMFT, is genuinely fascinated by the field of mental health and the healing process that his work can provide clients in order to acquire and maintain a happier life.

Based in West Hollywood, Randy is a proud member of Pacific Psychotherapy Associates, a private mental health group. Randy is an eclectic practitioner, providing various types of therapeutic modalities and interventions that best serve individuals and couples. He also facilitates a weekly gay men’s therapy group where clients process a variety of issues and find significant support in the group environment.

Randy is of the opinion that for success, the most important factor is creating a safe and trusting relationship between the client and therapist. Whether your issues are depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, work-life balance, or grief, creating a supportive and nonjudgmental client-centered therapy space is crucial for a positive outcome.

Randy believes it is a privilege to really listen to clients and to provide them with supportive feedback. He brings his own life experiences and academic studies into the session to support therapeutic goals.

One of Randy’s specialties is working with couples and marriage therapy. He additionally provides counseling for the LGBTQ community, to those in the entertainment industry where Randy once worked, and to clients suffering from substance abuse. Randy believes it is paramount to provide a comfortable, safe environment where clients can talk openly, find clarity, embrace change, and move forward.

Randy is offering telehealth services at this time. Phone or video formats available. Please give us a call today.

Office Location:
7966 Beverly Blvd #200
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Contact Randy Smith


Phone: 323-469-9068 x 3


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